Last Sunday, Miles and I had the opportunity to visit
Wings of Paradise with Grandma.

I could see how Miles has changed since our last visit there. I could tell that he could more easily see the butterflies flying around him, that between the heat and the missed nap that he can really look bored sometimes (LOL), and that he really likes gazing at pretty, young girls. Oh well!
This was a special event put on by a local real estate agent that Grandma deals with a lot

at work, so the conservatory employees made a special point to bring around different insects for patrons to see. One girl brought around some kind of horned caterpillar (sorry, I can't recall it's proper name). I asked her if she could hold it close to Miles so that he could see it and possibly touch it. Yeah, he touched it alright. In fact, he grabbed it with his whole fist. Tried to sqeeze its head off, I think. Who can blame him? Look how big and juicy that thing is! Silly Mommy to think he'd just gingerly reach out a little baby finger to touch it gently. Doh!

Grandma thought it was pretty funny how Miles seemed to be more interested in tasting his shoes than in seeing all of the different butterflies flying around. He'll enjoy the butterflies more when he's older and less interested in shoving everything he can find into his mouth.
We have many more visits to the butterfly conservatory ahead of us. Heck, I've got a whole sheet full of butterfly stickers to use up on calendars and journals and such! I'm really looking forward to taking him there in the winter when it's freezing cold outside and tropical warm in the greenhouse. Mmm, that will feel good!
If you haven't been to Wings of Paradise yet, you should go. I recommend it!
(Of course now that I've figured out how to add pictures to my blog messages, they finally get "Blogger Images" it's super easy!)
awww. . he's really growing up fast, Tracy!!! what a cute, cute boy. I think that we should take James and Eri there?? they would love it! i can see Eri killing some insects if they brought them near her! what a little basher that girl is!
He's growing up too fast Kathy. This week he's learned to crawl, and is getting faster every day. Yesterday he learned to sit from the crawling stance, and today he found out he can pull himself up to a standing position in the crib. Egad!
At WOP, Grandma felt something against her skin, swatted at it, then gasped when she heard a crunch and realized what she may have done. Yes, it's best not to kill the butterflies. However, it seems they only have about a two week lifespan, if that makes it any easier...I really enjoy it there though. It's so cool to walk in and have all of these butterflies flying all around you!
LOL!!! grandma's a butterfly killer!
hee hee. . . she prob felt terrible, but like you say, they don't live long anyway!
It was kind of gross. It left a kind of powdery black mark on her neck where she swatted it. Weird - butterfly dust...
yuck!! yeah, moths and butterflies are very powdery, aren't they?
Yeah, powdery. Almost as if the colour on their wings is temporary, like eye shadow.
yeah, what a great way of putting it!
hey! i just noticed your Anais Nin quote -- love it!
It's my most favourite yet!
i read a collection of stories book of hers way back in high school. . i don't even remember what it was called? a bit racy. . i think one of them called "Little Birds"??? is that right? i vaguely remember. ..
i also remember the perfume called Anais Anais. . i used to love it, till i got pregnant for the first time and the smell of it made me feel like puking!!! haha! that and White Shoulders *sounds more like a dandruff product than a perfume* another former fave until the same thing happened. . blech.
I haven't actually read any Anais Nin stuff, but I think I read somewhere that she had done some erotic writings. Maybe that was one of the books!
I always thought the same of White Shoulders....things that make you go Hmmmmm
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