The start of the new year hasn't been enviable. If you've read Sherri's blog, you'll know that I've gone back to work again. The transition really hasn't been that bad. It takes some organization, which thank goodness, both Sherri and I rather thrive on. It can be rather tiring, but that's mostly because I haven't been able to get used to going to bed earlier yet. It is sad when the family finishes supper and I realize I only have one more hour with Miles before his bedtime. I only get 2 hours and 45 minutes a day with him now!!! That's ridiculous! But I have no other choice - I have to work. I just keep telling myself, millions of others have done it, I can do it too. Miles is doing very well though, and I'm sure he's loving being able to hang out with his Aunt Sherri and cousin Jonah every day. It's sure not stunting his growth. Check out this very recent picture.

I'm a huge believer in "change will do you good", but I've been there enough to know that quite often change is terribly painful as well. It's hard to see yourself a couple of months down the road, in a happier place where the pain has subsided, when the shock of change is enveloping you. All you can do is hold on.
Make the most of the few hours you have with Miles each day during the week. Maybe sneak into his room and watch him sleep for a bit - if he'll let you get away with it! Pause to enjoy the sweet things - your first sip of coffee each morning, getting 2 green lights in a row on your way to work, hearing a great song on the radio, smelling the shampoo in your hair, how cool your shoes look with the pants you've got on! Whatever makes you feel good - think about it for a little, and let it help make your day a little brighter!
You are a great Mom, and your boy is a testament to that! He's set up better than most kids are when their Mom's go back to work - and now you can go to work knowing that you're doing it for him, for his future!
I'm here for you when you need me! :) Take advantage please! And keep blogging! I've missed your writing! :)
working moms deserve medals! its a juggling act! I'm sure its been challenging getting back into the work groove? maybe nice in some ways too? Its so nice that Jonah's with his aunt and cousin!!!
As Miles gets older he will stay up later and you will have more time to spend together! Hang in there, Tracy!
Wow, i can't believe this child of yours is in size 3!!!!!!
i MEANT to say "its nice that MILES is with his aunt and cousin. . " duh, Kathy!
Dido on the Great mom. I must say motherhood sure looks go on ya girlfriend.
I think that if you have to leave Miles with a babysitter he has the best option ever. An Aunt who loves him and his older cousin to hang with, you can go to work knowing he is in great hands.
Like Kista says take time for you to enjoy life simple things to get ya through the day into the happier place you need to be until you return home to your big prince.
Wow he is growing so quickly. I hear Uncle John have the Tiger Cat scouts watching him already. HEHEHEHE
Tracy this last year has be a pleasure watching you blossom as a mother and being apart of both yours and Miles life. Thanks for all the wonderful times spent together. I look forward to many more
What a hambone that boy of yours is.
He loves to smile for the camera,
what a real prince charming
Tracy, I can't believe he's wearing size 3! That's crazy.
Going back to work last June was the hardest thing I've ever done. My best friend just went back last week too. It's awful.
I also hate the fact that I get so little time with Darcy each day. I'm thrilled with the babysitter we've found, but I'm jealous that she gets to spend so much more time with Darcy than I do right now. It's tempting to keep her up later at night, for my benefit, but I know that's no good for her.
At least you don't have to worry about him during the day. He's still having a great time with Sherri and Jonah. That must take a big load off your mind!
My problem is at the end of the day. Darcy has such a great time at the babysitter's house that she doesn't want to come home. Why don't you just take a knife and shove it through my heart, kid?
Try to make the best of it, and know you're doing what you need to do to raise Miles.
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