We celebrated Uncle Bob's birthday today.
Grandma made a delicious roast beef dinner, Sherri made and frosted her yummy chocolate zucchini cake and I decorated it. Here's the story.
I was watching the Leafs game last night, and they were losing horribly (once again). About halfway through the second period I gave up and started on my icing for Bob's cake. Sherri had already frosted it with chocolate icing, and as we were having a motorcycle themed party, I planned to use some leftover black icing from the gingerbread men I made back before Christmas. The cake needed some colour. I randomly picked yellow and red. I made the yellow icing first. I split the icing I had made into two bowls and added yellow concentrated gel icing colouring to one bowl. Before long, I had lovely, rich yellow icing. Easy. Red icing coming right up. The red gel had been open for a while and had become rather thick, but I added a bit anyhow because you don't need much of this stuff. I mixed it in and got pink icing. So I added more. I got deeper pink icing. I added more. And I added more. Finally, by the time the little container of gel colourant was empty, I had icing resembling the colour red. I covered up the bowl and put it away. Before washing up the mixing beaters, I tasted the icing......YUCK!!! It tasted like chemicals. Gross. Sherri and Grandma had a good giggle though, saying I should get a look at my tongue. You can see why they were laughing....

So, it became a cake of chocolate, black and yellow. It turned out alright. It's not a masterpiece, but I'm not a professional cake decorator by any stretch of the imagination.

Can you see the motorcycle? :)
Happy Birthday Bob! And Cheers! Here's to many more to come!
It was a great cake! Thanks to both of you for putting so much effort into it! :)
I think Bob enjoyed his Motorcycle themed party!
Thanks for testing the Red Dye No. 5, and not making us eat it! :)
I'd like to point out that her tongue did this after only one small taste of icing!!!!!
Very good for laughs!
Looks like a pretty decent cake decorating job to me!
Bob's 8 years old!!! LOL! good job on the cake. Looks great. .
Lavender B-party's usually have a theme and the motor sycle theme was very cool.
The cake was very delisious and looked great. Tracy you should have shown them the tongue after black icing as well. HEHEHE
Again Bob Happy Birthday.
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