Today at lunch time, we went to The Mandarin in Burlington to celebrate Grandma's birthday. The food was great, the service was great - I think we all had a great time.
On the way home, while driving, I glanced down and wondered why my seat belt seemed to be pushed away from my chest. What was going on? I know that sometimes my underwire bras don't sit right and tend to push out in front. Well, the problem was something along those lines. But it was worse. The wire, ON BOTH SIDES, had worked its way through the fabric of the bra and was actually poking out through the neckline of my shirt! What the!?!? I've had under wires break; both metal and plastic. I've had the wires bust through in the underarm area, which can be quite irritating. I've had straps break while out in public. But this was a new one for me. I took a picture. Don't worry - it's discreet.

I was wondering what that thing was at lunch - a microphone, or something?
Kidding! My UW's were irritating me today too. I hate them! I really wish they'd come up with something more comfortable! I guess you'll have to replace that one...let me know if you need a shopping buddy!
For real dude, did you see it sticking out???
Thanks for the offer sis. I think a little sewing job will fix this sucker up. Besides, there's only one place I go to buy this kind of undergarment, and it's not in the budget right now....unless, of course, it becomes an absolute necessity. :)
No - I wish I had noticed it. Then I could have made faces at you all through lunch until you figured it out! That's pretty funny. I've never had that happen...but, I'm really not all that bountiful, so I guess it's no surprise! ;-)P
i used to have that happen before 'the reduction'!!!! LOL!!!! I've threaded those pesky underwires back in and sewn over the ends!!
Right out the front of your shirt, Kathy?
not quite, but almost!!! lol!!! been jabbed a few time in the armpit, etc. oh, the perils of bra wearing. . i hate bras. . blah!!
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