There is some kind of bond going on here that I didn't even see coming.
Tonight, I was sitting on the couch, watching TV when my dog, Toro, started barking.
"Toro, no!" "Toro, no barking!" "Toro, quit it!" "Toro, that's
enough!" "Toro, SHUT IT!!!"
It gets quiet for a moment, then I hear it....Miles is crying. I run up the stairs telling Toro to keep it quiet, and tend to Miles. A bit of a tummy problem tonight it seems. I return to the couch and TV. Glenn and Sherri soon join me on the couch. I tell them about how Tor

Now I know that dogs and children can be the best of friends, but I honestly didn't believe that Toro had it in him. Nor have I seen him show any kind of concern when Miles is crying. He's really been quite good with both the boys so far. It's got to be tough on an old pooch when the youngsters start chasing him around the house, poking around his food, and trying to play with his toys! We keep a pretty close eye on Toro when he's around the boys, because even though he's smaller than both of them, and has crappy teeth (there will be a post dedicated entirely to Toro in the near future), he is an animal and a potential threat. Albeit a compassionate one - he always shows up at my side when I'm crying! I'll stop there and save the rest for Toro's post.
I know there are thousands upon thousands of amazing pets out there. What has yours surprised you with? (and I'm not talking about puppy or kitty "treats" left on the front door mat...)
that is totally so cool.
Way to go Toro.
Sorry I missed Miles today maybe later in the week if you are free for a bit I could come over and play with him for a bit.
I also am ashamed to say that I didn't think Toro had it in him. Good work T-dog!
Now, if we can just get him to change poopy diapers...
Good one Toro! He must "get" a lot more than we realise.
I think Charlie would be great if we had a baby. He's very sensitive to my moods, and I think he would be very much in-tune with the changes if I became pregnant. Now, if I could only make him settle down and relax around small children...
hee hee!! Toro's a baby monitor!! what a cute one and he doesn't need batteries!
i love dogs!
mmmm interesting thought ..............though dogs and kids scare me a bit!!
dogs are so interesting. . they have this 'pack mentality'. . as dog lovers know..they want to eat when you eat, they want to sleep where you do, if you go out, they wanna go!! Their 'master' is the leader of the pack. . that's Rob in our house! Maggie seems to have the hierarchy set in her doggie mind, Rob, me, KK. . when Lindsay's here, Linds would be after me! Inge would be next, when she's here. The kids, well James is on the bottom rung of the humans. .then comes Maggie! Eri is still considered a borderline rival in Maggie's eyes. . until the child is significantly taller, Maggie doesn't like them too much, only tolerates them! Give Eri a year, then Maggie will be last in the order. . Sometimes though i think she considers herself FIRST!!
She's very protective of her humans. . VERY! she gets so fierce if she feels that any of us are under any perceived threat.
dogs are so cool.
That's awesome! (And very useful!) LOL... Dogs are so special :)
I can't think of anything fantastic my dogs have done. Maybe they're saving up for that one day when they need to save my life. ROFL.
BTW, my given name is also Tracy - spelled the same :)
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