Drivers who slow down long before they have to stop…
We’re talking at least 5 car lengths before the car stopped ahead of them. Then they slowly, bit by bit, creep up behind them. I completely don’t understand it, and it just drives me crazy. Or even those who, while at a stop, move ahead an inch every 10 seconds or so. Why? Why do they do that? Why can’t they just stop at a stop?
that kind of stuff annoys me too!!! GRRRRR!!! How about drivers who take FOREVER to get around a corner?!!
I think this is one of Bob's biggest pet peeves on the road! Thank God our commute is on country roads and the 401 - very little stop and go. Your commute down 24 SUCKS!
At least I haven't seen my life pass before my eyes in the last 8 weeks since I've returned to work! It's usually a very regular occurence!
yes annoying drives me crazy, testing me all the time. I try not to get to annoyed where I am honking and giving the bird to people cause it is not the Christian thing to do but sometimes I am tested beyond control.
Sometimes I'm tested beyond control too! :)
When I took driver's ed, they actually taught us to stop several car lengths back and slowly creep up - I think so you help to prevent getting bumped out into an intersection or into another car... I know, it's weird. I actually haven't seen people do it often. I suppose I don't get out much though. And please know that it was one lesson I chose not to put into practice!
Oh man, they TAUGHT you that for real Sherri? As far as I'm concerned, it's an invitation to be rear-ended. Folks like to get where they're going when they're on the road. I've seen people do this, or stop several car lengths back and not move any further, and it messes up the flow of traffic. People can't make left turns because entrances to businesses are blocked, and people can't exit from those business because the way is blocked. Often, if that one driver just moved to a respectable distance behind the car in front of them, there wouldn't be these problems. Aarrgh! But thanks for letting me know that some people are actually taught to do this - now I know that some of them are just trying to do the right thing.
i wasn't taught that. . my parents were too cheap to spring for driver training for me. . so they had their fireman friend teach me!!! you can just imagine the bad habits one would pick up from a firetruck driver!!
oh, i also hate when people take forever to accelerate after being at a stop sign or light. . its like they're tapping the gas pedal with 1 toe, then 2, etc. . by the time they get to using all 5 toes. . maybe they're at a crawl?! i hate driving in the city. . i had a great run on the highway today. . there's nothing better than clear skies and open road!
I never do the creep up thing. Know why? It was my sister Tracy who taught me how to drive! And in just a month! Thanks sis! :)
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