I walked Miles slowly through the park, trying to help him experience as much as he could, but pushing him along at the same time, because I knew we wouldn’t have a whole lot of time before he was ready for a nap. He did quite well. He even told me when he needed a diaper change!
Here are a few of my better pictures from our visit.

Storybook Gardens hasn’t really changed a whole lot from what I can remember – it’s just been updated. The general layout was the same, and it did still feel like a park, for the most part. A lot of the same old stuff is still there, which was comforting in a way. The old stuff is at the front, the new stuff is in back.
I knew Miles was ready go when he stopped listening to me and just generally started to misbehave. It took a while for him to settle in, but he eventually had a good hour and a half nap in the car.
I hope we can go again next year, and maybe bring some more people with us!
I'll have to show Jonah these pictures sometime today!
I'm glad you went on this adventure! Looks like it was a good one!
those are great pics, Tracy! You're a good mom, taking your little guy to all the cool kid places.
class pics......looks like fun stuff for the little dude!!
how are you tracy? please accept my apology for not commenting on here for ages
Looks like you guys wore each other out on your little getaway! I wanna come along next time! :)
Hey Ally, don't worry about it all. There hasn't been much to read around here for quite some time anyhow!
Kris, Storybook Gardens would have been so much fun with the rest of the family with us! That way I wouldn't have felt the need to be so ultra protective, and maybe somebody else could have carried a towel or two so the boys could play in the big splash pad!
I remember taking my God Son there oh my so many years ago he might have been around Miles age and he is 25 yrs old now. I feel so very old think back to those days.
Sounds like you had a great vacation.
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