Isn't Halloween fun? We've been having a great time this weekend.
Kathy invited us over for a Halloween party on Saturday, so we all got dressed up for the occasion. We did a scavenger hunt, drank ghostly milkshakes and ate chocolatey spiders, decorated Rice Krispies Squares cutouts Halloween style, and watched all the kiddies having fun in their costumes. They were all so well behaved; they loved the Halloween festivities too! Kathy, thanks so much for putting that together and giving the kids a chance to enjoy some wonderful Halloween fun (and for sending Miles' toy home with Grandpa - I totally lost track of it!)
On Sunday, we went to a baby shower for my cousin Shelley who had twins in September. It's always cool to get together with family and eat and chat and laugh. All of the kids there had a great time playing together too.
Today, Sherri and I brought the boys into my workplace to show off their costumes. Of course everyone fussed over both of the boys and marvelled over how cute they looked.
Before returning home, I brought Miles in for a special Halloween photo shoot. I'll post that picture later in the week.
Lots of cool experiences for Miles.
I think we had a record turnout at our house tonight - 18 trick-or-treaters!!! We often have less than 10, if not less than 5!
Happy Halloween everyone, I hope you had tons of fun!