Isn't Halloween fun? We've been having a great time this weekend.
Kathy invited us over for a Halloween party on Saturday, so we all got dressed up for the occasion. We did a scavenger hunt, drank ghostly milkshakes and ate chocolatey spiders, decorated Rice Krispies Squares cutouts Halloween style, and watched all the kiddies having fun in their costumes. They were all so well behaved; they loved the Halloween festivities too! Kathy, thanks so much for putting that together and giving the kids a chance to enjoy some wonderful Halloween fun (and for sending Miles' toy home with Grandpa - I totally lost track of it!)
On Sunday, we went to a baby shower for my cousin Shelley who had twins in September. It's always cool to get together with family and eat and chat and laugh. All of the kids there had a great time playing together too.
Today, Sherri and I brought the boys into my workplace to show off their costumes. Of course everyone fussed over both of the boys and marvelled over how cute they looked.
Before returning home, I brought Miles in for a special Halloween photo shoot. I'll post that picture later in the week.
Lots of cool experiences for Miles.
I think we had a record turnout at our house tonight - 18 trick-or-treaters!!! We often have less than 10, if not less than 5!
Happy Halloween everyone, I hope you had tons of fun!
The boys look so great in their costumes. It sounds like you had a great Halloween.
Darcy was afraid of her costume, so for her it was just about talking to the kids who came to the door. She liked that part, but she definitely wanted to be in her jeans to do it! What a little nut.
Tracy!!! It was SO fun to have you all over for that party!!! I had so much fun getting ready for it and it was wonderful to see you, Krista, Sherri, all the CUTE kiddies. . and of course Lindsay and my sister too!! All of your costumes were FANTASTIC!!! I loved when you told me who you were like this: "I'm the old lady who swallowed a fly. ." you held up a bag with various items in it ". . .and here is my stomach contents!" Hey! guess what? the belly dance outfit i'd been waiting for (which didn't arrive in time for our party) arrived right on Halloween Day!!! I'm wearing it to dance class Wednesday night! (no one could make it to class Monday, so we're having a belated costume party!! )
Sounds like the rest of your weekend was GRRREAT! I'd love to see pictures of Shelley's twins some time! Maybe I'll email Marg!
Sue. . that is so cute how Darcy was afraid of her costume!! poor little thing!!!!
This was a really great Halloween! It was fun getting dressed up, just like the old days, eh Tracy?! Good times!
I forgot to mention that the little guy across the street from us had the same costume as Miles did. Your party sounds like fun, but I'm glad we didn't have one to go to because it would have been hard with a girl who's afraid of her costume.
I put a picture of her in her costume on my blog. http://spaces.msn.com/members/suetitcombe/
I saw that picture of Darcy, and I don't understand what upset her about it. It looks nice and soft. But I guess some kids are just like that. Miles seems to love any kind of costume, but Jonah wasn't happy until we found the dragon costume. We told the boys they they'll have to wear their costumes all of this month because they'll never fit into them again! lol
I can't imagine what scared her about it. She was walking around the house with it on Sunday afternoon, like it was a security blanket. Then we tried to put it on her, and you'd think the world had ended! Crazy.
It's a really bright orange. Maybe that's the trouble.
18?? That's pitiful! LOL. We had way over 50.
That is the cutest frog ever :)
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