When I had to give up my apartment and move back in with my parents 3 1/2 years ago, most of what I own went into a storage unit. (Man, I can't believe it's been that long!) Today, I went to visit my stuff. I brought my nephew, Jonah, along with me. He was a good distraction. I think the last

time I visited I became rather depressed afterwards. I miss having my own space, even though I'm blessed to be able to live with the best family ever. It's weird to think that I have this little room packed full of stuff that I haven't even touched in 3 1/2 years! The day we packed that room up was so hard. I'm sure my mom still remembers me finally arriving at the house crying my heart out. Yes, okay, I admit it - I'm crying now too.
Anyway...when I first thought of writing this post, the title I had in mind was something along the

lines of, "This stuff is my life". Thankfully, I've put some thought into it since then. That stuff is not my life. It's not all I have. I have so much more than that, and I know it. I've got wonderful parents who provide me with a place to sleep and food to eat and unconditional love; super cool siblings who can be deep and funny at the same time; great in-laws who I love more and more the longer I know them; a man who loves me no matter how badly I behave or make us both crazy; and now I have a son who lights me up from the inside out. Even without all of my possessions at hand or a home to call my very own, my life is full of all of the best "stuff" already.
Do you ever forget and lay too much importance on your worldly stuff? I know I can't be the only one to slip up every now and then.
Great post! I'm glad that you re-thought the title...
I would have to say I don't put much importance on my wordly possessions, simply because I don't love any of it... Maybe that's a blessing of not having much money. Most of my stuff is second hand - it's not something I loved so much that I just had to buy - so I'm not attached to any of it.... Thanks for making me see that in a positive way.... One less thing I have to struggle with!
(PS- Isn't that totally weird that someone named their CAT Tracy??? Who does that?? LOL.)
To see what Tee's talking about - a cat named Tracy - track yourself back to her blog post entitled "What's in a name".
Tee, this name is even funnier (to me at least). We have a friend named James whose family used to have a spider monkey named Trevor. TREVOR! The name alone makes me laugh! A monkey named Trevor!
Beautiful post sis!
I'm guilty of working so hard at making my home into this perfect little cocoon, and am always putting an effort into keeping up appearances...I mean, it's nice to have a nice home, and to not look like the bums on the street. But I know it's just the gravy(gross, but true) in my life. My fortune is my family, but sometimes I need a reminder!
Thanks for reminding me! :)
you're not the only one to slip up. . not by a long shot!
You will get that stuff out of storage one day! You are blessed to have a supportive family - not everyone does.
you're right - 'stuff' is not the important thing - love is. . stuff is just stuff.
Trevor the monkey... I have to admit, I have a big stupid smile on my face. ROFL.
Tracy: Our pocessions are nice but they certainly are not the things that make us happy.
You know I like nice things but I would rather go without and to put a smile on someones face by sharing something with them that they may need.
I would rather spend time with family and friends who can put a smile on my face than with a couch or table or nice new clothing, which only me makes me happy for a few moments.
It is the laughs, the tears, the fears and comfort that we share with our family and friends that means the most, more than the worldly things to me.
We are both so very lucky to have parents and siblings who are there for us, in-laws who are fabulous, friends who are wonderful, and for you a child who means the world to you. We are so Blessed cause as many have already said their are many out there who are not so Blessed.
Tracy where has the 3 yrs gone, but so much has happened in that 3 yrs, it is so totally amazed. You moved home, had a child, and have become a fabulous mother. Times sure flies when you having fun as they say. Miles is so lucky to have his grandparents there with him, to have his one set of Aunt & Uncle and cousin with him every day. Wow that is so awesome for him. He has another Aunt and Uncle that are there all the time for him. That child has so much love around him it is totally awesome to be an observer of that.
So girl you have come a long way in 3 years and some day when the time is right you will go to that storage place and take those things to your own home. Everything is for a reason so treasure where you where, where you are and where you are striving to reach and you will be there sooner than you know. Look how fast 3 yrs has gone by.
Thanks to you and Miles for being a part of my life.
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