For some reason, it's difficult to coordinate naps, the weather, and mothers' moods, but we finally got the boys out and into the sandbox again. Perhaps for one of the last times this year. However, with the very warm weather we're expecting this week, there may be a few more times yet!
By the way, does anyone know what you're supposed to do with a sandbox like this (plastic) over the winter? And do we save the sand, or dump it and get new sand next year?
Heck, looking at this picture, I think we'll need another sandbox - there won't be enough room for two growing boys and play space by next summer!
What a cute picture! The good weather days are going fast, huh?
Our sandbox has a top on it... for that kind, maybe you could try a sheet of plastic over it and tucked under?
The kids are beautiful... and I like that stone wall behind them :)
adorable!!! what cute cousins they are. The sand should stay in. . helps to keep the plastic from contracting in the cold. . The sand will be fine, no need to replace it. Tee's suggestion is a good one - some heavy gauge plastic, like from Rona of the Home Depot.
Great pic! And good way to get advice about this. Let's see if we get a consensus...
geez louise, i'm forever making spelling errors when i write comments!!! bah! I meant to say "or", not 'of'. . .
We wanted to buy one of those plastic dealies for the grandkids. . . i think though we'll get Rob to build one - James' legs are so long now and he wants room, i'm sure for his dump trucks, etc. .
I'll add to the consensus... Keep the sandbox and the sand, just get a cover over the top for winter. Plastic, as suggested, will do fine as long as it stays tucked under all winter. We have a turtle shaped sandbox with a turtle shell cover and it has been out in the yard (in rural NY state) for the last 7 years no problem. (The only thing you may have to do it sift the sand once or twice at the beginning of every "sand season" to get out the sticks, stones, leaves and whatever else little hands like to include in their mini-world.
Well Sherri, it looks as though we can leave the sandbox where it is, as it is, and just cover it up for the winter. Excellent! Thanks for the comments and advice everyone!
Ok another great picture of my two favorite guys.
I agree with the plastic cover over the sand. a few bricks or logs will hold it down.
I know my brother just uses a tarp. a couple $ at canadian tire.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and the family.
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