Thursday, October 13, 2005

Playing Tag

I forgot to turn my RSS feed reader back on after my last reboot, and I completely forgot about blogs for a few days. I didn't think it was possible! I've been catching up on my reading today and I just found out that I've been tagged by Kathy.

The instructions are:

1. Go into your archives.
2. Find your 23rd post
3. Find your fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of your sentence
5. Tag 5 others to do the same.

For a moment, I wasn't sure I even had 23 posts yet! But I do, and here is the fifth sentence from that post:

"2 in my right ear, and 5 in my left." (Too Holey?)

No, I wasn't talking about Q-tips! Go on and read it, if you're curious.

Now, who shall I tag? Let's about Krista, Sue, Glenn, Sherri, and Tee (easy for you Tee, just cut and paste! I know you've done this at least once before already). No biggie to me guys if you don't have the time or don't feel like doing it. It's all in fun!


Sherri Lavender said...

OK, I gave it a try but my 23rd post is essentially just a picture of Jonah... don't even have 5 sentences in there... I'll have to wait until I'm tagged another time!

Tracy said...

Ha ha! You lucked out Sherri!

Krista said...

"I made the mistake of not applying sunscreen to my back, and it still aches today as I type, nothing but a thin cotton t-shirt rubbing against it with each subtle movement."

Ouch! I'm remembering the pain all over again!

kathryn said...

FUN~~~ i'm glad i tagged you!!!

Tracy said...

Kathy, I don't actually see the tag on your blog though! I only see it in my RSS feed reader! What happened?

kathryn said...

oh, i deleted the post, cuz i thought ppl wouldn't want to do it after all!!! Ally said something about the 'tag game'. . i don't think he likes them, and Lindsay had said to me "Is that like a chain letter?" So, I felt silly and got rid of it!!! you caught me!

Alexis said...

Ok so this looked fun to me so I went in to see how many post I had made. I guess I don't write as often as everyone else. Hum does that mean I am short on words.......HEHEHE as if.

Any ways I only have 15 post guess I got to get doing some writing.

So Tracy what ya do about the ear ring situation, what was your final decision?

Tracy said...

Alexis, check out that post for the update. I even gave you a link! Yeesh! :)

Sue Matthews said...

The 5th line of my 23rd post says
"last fall I went from a life of complete slothfulness to being able to run for 20 minutes in just 10 weeks."

It was from a post about an amazing run I had. I had another amazing run over the weekend. Maybe I should post about that too.

Tee/Tracy said...

LOL - Yeah - I already did this meme. It said something about being depressed and wanting to go live with the Amish. Hee hee...

I remember your holey post :)