Happy Birthday, my wonderful boy!

Pain makes man think. Thought makes man wise. Wisdom makes life endurable. - John Patrick
Those who face that which is actually before them, unburdened by the past, undistracted by the future, these are they who live, who make the best use of their lives; these are those who have found the secret of contentment.
~ Alban Goodier
“The trick is not how much pain you feel – but how much joy you feel. Any idiot can feel pain. Life is full of excuses to feel pain, excuses not to live, excuses, excuses, excuses.”
- Erica Jong
May I forget what ought to be forgotten; and recall, unfailing, all that
ought to be recalled, each kindly thing, forgetting what might sting.
- Mary Caroline Davies
She sits distraught and shaken in her family room, laptop in hand, a glass of__________________________________________________________________
red wine on the side table. Tears of frustration drop onto her keyboard. She has
withstood a barrage of corporate bull for weeks, but this last business trip put
her over the top. If only she could get the insanity at work to stop, maybe she
could get ‘back to normal’.
He stands at his drawing table, shoes off for comfort, music on for serenity, as__________________________________________________________________
he works yet another Saturday while trying to convince himself it isn’t a
regular work day – though for 16 days in a row he has been trying to get ‘caught
She marches into the boardroom wearing a power suit looking in control and__________________________________________________________________
purposeful, all the while secretly wishing she could regain the focus that death
and destruction has robbed her of lately. She does what she can to get past the
loss of her sister and somehow find a way to get ‘back into work again’.
"Do not believe that he who seeks to comfort you lives untroubled among the simple and quiet words that sometimes do you good. His life has much difficulty . . . Were it otherwise he would never have been able to find those
~ Rainer Marie Rilke ~
I began to have an idea of my life, not as the slow shaping of achievement to fit my preconceived purposes, but as the gradual discovery and growth of a purpose which I did not know.
- Joanna Field
Back in our drive-in days, we used to bring our burgers right to our
customers' cars. We found that foil bags kept the burgers hot and fresh
every time. Which is why we still serve them like that today.
It's quite simple. Ice melts and that dilutes the taste. And
that just won't do. So we only use soda fountains that pre-chill our
drinks to the perfect temperature. That way, it tastes right, every
But it continued this January during Uncle Bob’s birthday preparations.
Soon after that came Grandma’s glasses.
Hmmm…what a silly boy he is, my Miles. I have to honestly say that he comes by it naturally.
Sure, you can play hockey when dressed for baseball.
And now a dashing golfing ensemble:
Ahem... you may also play hockey when dressed more suitably for golfing.
As well as something very scholarly:
Of course you can play hockey with a soccer ball while dressed for school! We are CANADIAN for cyring out loud!
Hockey is ALWAYS allowed!
Thanks Grandma Shirley!
Note: If anyone ever wonders why Miles' bath water always looks a little mucky, there are two reasons:
1. The tub is Olive Green - an original from when the house was built.
2. Miles gets an oatmeal bath every night to aid his eczema and prevent it from becoming an issue again.